Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cjulian::BivariateNormalClass implements Bivariate Normal Random Variable
 Cjulian::BondClass is an abstract class expressing the concept of bonds
 Cjulian::BuildBondClass implements builder design pattern supporting construction of bonds
 Cjulian::BuildCalendarClass implements builder design pattern supporting construction of calendars
 Cjulian::ir::BuildCurveClass implements Builder design pattern that can be used to create interest rate curves
 Cjulian::BuildGreeksReportOption Greeks builder
 Cjulian::ir::BuildingBlockBuilding Block is a class that defines the interface for benchmark instruments used for estimating interest rate curve
 Cjulian::BuildLinearInstrumentClass implements builder design pattern supporting construction of linear instruments
 Cjulian::BuildTimeGridClass implements a builder of TimeGrid object
 Cjulian::CalendarClass implements calendar object
 Cjulian::CashFlowClass implements the general concept of CF understand as certain amount paid on predefined date
 Cjulian::CashFlowBuilderClass implements Builder that helps to construct vector of cash flows
 Cjulian::CashFlowVectorClass helps to handle the vector of CFs
 Cjulian::CirProcessClass is implements Cox–Ingersoll–Ross (CIR) process
 Cjulian::CompoundingClass is an abstract class expressing the concept of compounding interest rate
 Cjulian::ir::CurveThe class interfaces interest rate curves
 Cjulian::ir::CurveSettingsStructure holding settings of ir::InterpolatedCurve
 Cjulian::DataEntryClerkClass used to provide data to julian::DataFrame
 Cjulian::DataFrameClass used to handle data read from csv files
 Cjulian::DateClass implements a date object
 Cjulian::ir::EstimatorClass defines the interface of algorithms that perform estimation of interest rate curve (see InterpolatedCurve)
 Cjulian::ir::ExtrapolatorClass implements the interface of interest rate curve interpolator
 Cjulian::ForwardCurveThe class implements the forward curve
 Cjulian::GreeksIntermediateResultsData structure holding the PV and Greeks
 Cjulian::HolidayClass is an abstract class expressing the concept of holiday calendar for different currencies and stock exchange
 Cjulian::InterestRateThe class implements the concept of interest rate
 Cjulian::InterpolationClass is an abstract type expressing the concept of interpolation
 Cjulian::ir::InterpolationInputClass is an abstract class that represents the subject of interpolation performed in swap curve operations
 Cjulian::ir::InterpolatorClass implements the interface of interest rate curve interpolator
 Cjulian::LinearInstrumentClass is an abstract class expressing the concept of linear instruments like deposits, FRAs, futures, fxForwards and swaps
 Cjulian::MarketModelInterface for objects representing market models
 Cjulian::ObjectFactory< T >Class implements a factory pattern
 Cjulian::ObjectFactoryHelper< Base, Derived >Factory helper
 Cjulian::OptionClass is an abstract interface for single asset financial options
 Cjulian::OptionGreeksInterface for OptionGreeks decorator
 Cjulian::PathPath is a series of real numbers indexed with time. In general, it is identical with a series of time
 Cjulian::PricingEngineInterface for all pricing engines
 Cjulian::ProbabilityDistributionClass implements an interface of random number distribution
 Cjulian::QuadraticProgrammingSolverQuadratic Programming Solver
 Cjulian::RandomVariableClass implements the interface for Random Variables
 Cjulian::RegressionClass is an abstract class implementing interface of regression
 Cjulian::RunTimeMeasurmentClass used to measure run time of the program
 Cjulian::SettlementDateConventionInterface for classes implementing settlement date conventions
 Cjulian::SimulatedAnnealingClass implements Simulated Annealing minimizer
 Cjulian::SmartPointer< T >Template of deep-coping smart pointer
 Cjulian::SmartPointer< ir::Curve >
 Cjulian::SmartPointer< ir::julian::ir::Curve >
 Cjulian::SmartPointer< julian::Bond >
 Cjulian::SmartPointer< julian::Compounding >
 Cjulian::SmartPointer< julian::Interpolation >
 Cjulian::SmartPointer< julian::ir::Estimator >
 Cjulian::SmartPointer< julian::ir::Extrapolator >
 Cjulian::SmartPointer< julian::ir::InterpolationInput >
 Cjulian::SmartPointer< julian::ir::Interpolator >
 Cjulian::SmartPointer< julian::ir::SmootherCostFunction >
 Cjulian::SmartPointer< julian::OptionGreeks >
 Cjulian::SmartPointer< julian::ProbabilityDistribution >
 Cjulian::SmartPointer< julian::RandomVariable >
 Cjulian::SmartPointer< julian::SettlementDateConvention >
 Cjulian::SmartPointer< julian::TimeDiscretization >
 Cjulian::SmartPointer< julian::UniformRNG >
 Cjulian::SmartPointer< julian::Volatility >
 Cjulian::SmartPointer< julian::YearFraction >
 Cjulian::ir::SmootherCostFunctionInterface for Smoother Cost Function decorator
 Cjulian::StochasticProcessClass is an abstract type expressing the concept of stochastic process
 Cjulian::TenorClass implements a tenor object
 Cjulian::TimeDiscretizationClass implements a TimeDiscretization object
 Cjulian::TimeGridClass implements a TimeGrid object
 Cjulian::UniformRNGClass implements interface for uniform number generators
 Cjulian::ValueFactory< T >Class implements a factory pattern
 Cjulian::ValueFactoryHelper< T >Factory helper
 Cjulian::VolatilityThe class interfaces volatility surface
 Cjulian::YearFractionThis class is an abstract class expressing the concept of calculating year fraction