The class implements the concept of interest rate. More...

#include <interestRate.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 InterestRate ()
 Constructor. More...
 InterestRate (const SmartPointer< Compounding > &compounding, const SmartPointer< YearFraction > &year_fraction)
 Constructor. More...
double capitalization (Date date1, Date date2, double interest_rate) const
 Calculates capitalization. More...
double DF (Date date1, Date date2, double interest_rate) const
 Calculates discount factor. More...
double coupon (Date date1, Date date2, double interest_rate) const
 Calculates coupon. More...
double fwdRate (Date date1, Date date2, double df1, double df2) const
 Calculates forward rate. More...
double zcRate (Date date1, Date date2, double df) const
 Calculates zero coupon rate. More...
double yf (Date date1, Date date2) const
 Calculates year fraction. More...
InterestRateclone () const
 Virtual copy constructor. More...
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, const unsigned int)
 interface used by Boost serialization library More...

Private Attributes

SmartPointer< Compoundingcompounding_
 Attribute maintaining compounding convention. More...
SmartPointer< YearFractionyear_fraction_
 Attribute maintaining year fraction convention. More...


class boost::serialization::access
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, InterestRate &r)
 Overloads stream operator. More...

Detailed Description

The class implements the concept of interest rate.

Class represent the interest rate concept. It encapsulates compounding algebra and year fraction conventions. It allows to calculate capitalization of capital and coupon paid by investment. It also enables to calculate discount factors, zero coupon rates and forward rates if appropriate data provided.

algebraicBootstrapperExample.cpp, bondsExample.cpp, bootstrapperComparison.cpp, constrainedBootstrapperExample.cpp, DepositExample.cpp, InterestRateExample.cpp, optionPricingExample.cpp, rootFindingBootstrapperExample.cpp, serializationExample.cpp, and unconstrainedBootstrapperExample.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

julian::InterestRate::InterestRate ( )


Method creates the interest rate instance on the basis of compounding and year fraction convention.

julian::InterestRate::InterestRate ( const SmartPointer< Compounding > &  compounding,
const SmartPointer< YearFraction > &  year_fraction 


Method creates the interest rate instance on the basis of compounding and year fraction convention.

Member Function Documentation

double julian::InterestRate::capitalization ( Date  d1,
Date  d2,
double  r 
) const

Calculates capitalization.

This method calculates the future value of 1 monetary unit. More specifically it calculates what is the value of 1 monetary unit invested on date1 at a rate of r per year. The investment ends at date2. The compounding and year fraction convention is defined during construction of the interest rate object.

InterestRate * julian::InterestRate::clone ( ) const

Virtual copy constructor.

Method is an implementation of virtual copy constructor.

double julian::InterestRate::coupon ( Date  d1,
Date  d2,
double  r 
) const

Calculates coupon.

This method calculates the yield of investment that starts at date1 and ends at date2. The interest rate value should be provided. The compounding and year fraction convention is defined during construction of the interest rate object.

double julian::InterestRate::DF ( Date  d1,
Date  d2,
double  r 
) const

Calculates discount factor.

This method calculates the present value of 1 monetary unit. More specifically it calculates how many monetary units should be invested at date1 at a rate of r per year in order to receive 1 monetary unit at date2. The compounding and year fraction convention is defined during construction of the interest rate object.

double julian::InterestRate::fwdRate ( Date  d1,
Date  d2,
double  DF1,
double  DF2 
) const

Calculates forward rate.

This methods calculate forward rate on the basis of two discount factors and two dates. The forward rate is the interest rate for the investment that starts at future date date1 and ends at date2. The compounding and year fraction convention is defined during construction of the interest rate object.

template<class Archive >
void julian::InterestRate::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
const unsigned  int 

interface used by Boost serialization library

double julian::InterestRate::yf ( Date  d1,
Date  d2 
) const

Calculates year fraction.

This methods calculates the year fraction between two dates. The year fraction convention is defined during the construction of interest rate object.

double julian::InterestRate::zcRate ( Date  d1,
Date  d2,
double  DF 
) const

Calculates zero coupon rate.

This methods calculate zero coupon rate on the basis of discount factor and two dates. The zero coupon rate is the interest rate for the investment that starts at date1 and ends at datd2. The compounding and year fraction convention is defined during construction of the interest rate object.


Friends And Related Function Documentation

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
InterestRate r 

Overloads stream operator.

This overloaded operator enables to print the curve on the console.

Member Data Documentation

SmartPointer<Compounding> julian::InterestRate::compounding_

Attribute maintaining compounding convention.

This is the compounding convention used by interest rate class. It is provided during the construction of the object

SmartPointer<YearFraction> julian::InterestRate::year_fraction_

Attribute maintaining year fraction convention.

This is the year fraction convention used by interest rate class. It is provided during the construction of the object

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • C:/Unix/home/OEM/jULIAN/src/interestRates/interestRate.hpp
  • C:/Unix/home/OEM/jULIAN/src/interestRates/interestRate.cpp