File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 _all_dates.hppContains headers of all files with definitions of classes gathered in dates calendar and holidays module
 date.hppFile contains definition of date class
 tenor.hppFile contains definition of tenor class
 timeUnit.hppFile contain time units and other useful enumerations
 _all_instruments.hppFinancial instruments module
 CashFlow.hppFile contains definition of cash flow class
 CashFlowBuilder.hppFile contains implementation of CashFlowBuilder
 CashFlowVector.hppFile contains definition of cash flow vector
 FixedCashFlow.hppFile contains definition of fixed cash flow class
 FloatingCashFlow.hppFile contains definition of floating cash flow class
 instrumentAuxiliaryTypes.hppFile contains types common to all financial instruments
 _all_interestRate.hppContains headers of all files with definitions of classes gathered in interest rate module
 compoundedRate.hppFile contains definition of CompoundedRate class
 compounding.hppFile contains interface of interest rate compounding concept
 exponentialRate.hppFile contains definition of ExponentialRate class
 fractionRate.hppFile contains definition of FractionRate class
 interestRate.hppFile contains definition of InterestRate class
 simpleRate.hppFile contains definition of SimpleRate class
 _all_marketData.hppMarket Data module
 ForwardCurve.hppFile contains definition of forward curve class
 marketDataUtils.hppFile contains simple functions helping to handle market data classes
 _all_marketModels.hppMarket Models Module
 BlackScholesModel.hppFile contains implementation of Black Scholes model
 marketModel.hppFile contains implementation of interface for market models
 _all_mathematics.hppMathematics module
 mathUtils.hppFile contains small mathematical classes and functions
 _all_pricingEngines.hppIncludes objects related to pricing engines
 BlackScholesCalculator.hppFile contains small functions used to calculate PV and Greeks using Black-Scholes model
 pricingEngine.hppFile contains definition of PricingEngine interface
 _all_utils.hppUtils module
 dataFrame.hppFile contains definition of data frame
 formatters.hppFile contains definition of formatters
 objectFactory.hppFile contains definition of Factory pattern
 RunTimeMeasurment.hppFile contains definition of class that measures run time
 serialization.hppFile contains functions used in serialization process
 serializationGUID.hppDefinitions of GUID needed to serialize objects
 smartPointer.hppFile contains template of deep-coping smart pointer
 utils.hppFile contains small programming tools
 valueFactory.hppFile contains definition of Factory pattern
 vectorOperations.hppFile contains simple tools for std vectors