Class implements Simulated Annealing minimizer. More...

#include <simulatedAnnealing.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 SimulatedAnnealing (SmartPointer< UniformRNG > rng, SmartPointer< RandomVariable > rand)
 Constructor. More...
void setCoolingSchedule (const std::vector< double > &cooling_schedule)
 Set cooling schedule. More...
void setLinearCooling (double Tstart, double Tend, double param)
 Calculates linear cooling schedule. More...
void setExponentialCooling (double Tstart, double Tend, double param)
 Calculates exponential cooling schedule. More...
template<typename F , typename PA >
double calculate (F f, PA prob_accept, double x_initial, int iters_per_t)
 Method finds the minimum of provided function. More...
template<typename F , typename PA >
std::vector< double > calculate (F f, PA prob_accept, std::vector< double > x_initial, int iters_per_t)
 Method finds the minimum of provided function. More...
double takeStep (double x)
 Calculate the new state. More...
std::vector< double > takeStep (std::vector< double > x)
 Calculate the new state. More...
 ~SimulatedAnnealing ()
 Destructor. More...

Private Attributes

SmartPointer< RandomVariablestep_
 Distribution used in picking of neighbour state. More...
SmartPointer< UniformRNGrng_
 Random number generator used in acceptance of new state. More...
std::vector< double > cooling_schedule_
 Cooling schedule. More...

Detailed Description

Class implements Simulated Annealing minimizer.

Simulating annealing is a stochastic algorithm used to solve optimization problems.

Quoting authors of Numerical Recipes (Chapter 10.9 [4]):

At the heart of the method of simulated annealing is an analogy with thermodynamics, specifically with the way that liquids freeze and crystallize, or metals cool and anneal. At high temperatures, the molecules of a liquid move freely with respect to one another. If the liquid is cooled slowly, thermal mobility is lost. The atoms are often able to line themselves up and form a pure crystal that is completely ordered over a distance up to billions of times the size of an individual atom in all directions. This crystal is the state of minimum energy for this system.

The pseudo-code of simulated annealing's algorithm is presented below:

x = initial guess
x_best = x
E = f(x)
E_best = E
for temperature in cooling_schedule:
    iter = 0
    while iter < maximum number of steps:
       x_new = pick a neighbour of x
       E_new = f(x_new) 

       if E_new <= E_best:
           x_best = x_new
           E_best = E_new
       if E_new < E:
           x = x_new
           E = E_new
       else if ( U(0,1) < acceptance_probability(E, E_new, T)
           x = x_new
           E = E_new

Cooling schedule is a series of decreasing real numbers. The temperature influences the acceptance probability. For more details see [46]

The neighbour is picked from distribution provided by user. The distribution expected value should be equal to zero. Usually it is a normal or uniform distribution.

Acceptance probability is the probability of moving to a new state. If new steps is a step of lower energy the probability of taking the step is 1.0. In other case the probability is calculated using the acceptance probability function and compared to randomly picked number from standard uniform distribution. It means that algorithm can choose the non-optimal state, what makes the algorithm immune to local minimums. Larger increases in energy of the system should be less probably. The probability of such steps should decrease with temperature of the system. Kirkpatrick et al. choose the Boltzmann distribution: $p = e^{-(E_{new} - E)/(kT)}$ , justified by analogy with the transitions of a physical systems. It also corresponds to the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm (see [44]). The implemented algorithm enables usage of any acceptance probability.

For more details see also: [11] [33] [38]


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

julian::SimulatedAnnealing::SimulatedAnnealing ( SmartPointer< UniformRNG rng,
SmartPointer< RandomVariable rand 


julian::SimulatedAnnealing::~SimulatedAnnealing ( )


Member Function Documentation

template<typename F , typename PA >
double julian::SimulatedAnnealing::calculate ( f,
PA  prob_accept,
double  x_initial,
int  iters_per_t 

Method finds the minimum of provided function.

fOne-dimensional function which optimum we are looking for. f should be a functor.
prob_acceptProbability acceptance function
x_initialInitial guess
iters_per_tNumber of iterations taken for each temperature value
the x for which function f obtains its minimum
template<typename F , typename PA >
std::vector< double > julian::SimulatedAnnealing::calculate ( f,
PA  prob_accept,
std::vector< double >  x_initial,
int  iters_per_t 

Method finds the minimum of provided function.

fMulti-dimensional function which optimum we are looking for. f should be a functor.
prob_acceptProbability acceptance function
x_initialInitial guess
iters_per_tNumber of iterations taken for each temperature value
the x for which function f obtains its minimum
void julian::SimulatedAnnealing::setCoolingSchedule ( const std::vector< double > &  cooling_schedule)

Set cooling schedule.

void julian::SimulatedAnnealing::setExponentialCooling ( double  Tstart,
double  Tend,
double  param 

Calculates exponential cooling schedule.

Cooling schedule is calculating basing on Tstart, Tend and step provided by an user. The Schedule is $[T_{start}, \frac{T_{start}}{\text{step}}, \frac{T_{start}}{\text{step}^2}, \frac{T_{start}}{\text{step}^3},..., T_{end} ]$

void julian::SimulatedAnnealing::setLinearCooling ( double  Tstart,
double  Tend,
double  step 

Calculates linear cooling schedule.

Cooling schedule is calculating basing on Tstart, Tend and step provided by an user. The Schedule is $[T_{start}, T_{start} - \text{step}, T_{start} - 2\text{step}, T_{start}-3\text{step},..., T_{end} ]$

double julian::SimulatedAnnealing::takeStep ( double  x)

Calculate the new state.

std::vector< double > julian::SimulatedAnnealing::takeStep ( std::vector< double >  x)

Calculate the new state.

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<double> julian::SimulatedAnnealing::cooling_schedule_

Cooling schedule.

SmartPointer<UniformRNG> julian::SimulatedAnnealing::rng_

Random number generator used in acceptance of new state.

SmartPointer<RandomVariable> julian::SimulatedAnnealing::step_

Distribution used in picking of neighbour state.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • C:/Unix/home/OEM/jULIAN/src/mathematics/numericalAlgorithms/simulatedAnnealing.hpp
  • C:/Unix/home/OEM/jULIAN/src/mathematics/numericalAlgorithms/simulatedAnnealing.cpp