Class implements a date object. More...

#include <date.hpp>

Public Types

enum  Format {
  Format::date1, Format::date2, Format::date3, Format::date4,
  Format::date5, Format::date6
 Date formats. More...

Public Member Functions

void moveToEndOfMonth ()
 Moves to end of month. More...
void moveToEndOfYear ()
 Moves to end of year. More...
bool isValid () const
 Checks is date valid. More...
bool isLeapYear () const
 Checks if date is in leap year. More...
bool isEndOfMonth () const
 Checks if date is end of month. More...
bool isEndOfYear () const
 Checks if date is end of year. More...
void operator++ ()
 Moves date to next date. More...
void operator-- ()
 Moves date back to last day. More...
void operator+= (Tenor t)
 Adds tenor. More...
void operator-= (Tenor t)
 Subtracts tenor. More...
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, const unsigned int)
 interface used by Boost serialization library More...
 Date ()
 Default constructor. More...
 Date (int year, int month, int day)
 Constructor. More...
 Date (int yyyymmdd)
 Date (std::string, Date::Format)
 Constructor - from string YYYY-MM-DD. More...
Output getters
std::string getString () const
int getDay () const
int getMonth () const
int getYear () const
int getN () const
 Calculate number of date. More...
void setDay (int)
void setMonth (int)
void setYear (int)

Private Member Functions

int yearOffset () const
 Auxiliary method. More...
int monthOffset () const
 Auxiliary method. More...

Private Attributes

int year_
 This is the integer value representing number of years. More...
int month_
 This is the integer value representing number of months. More...
int day_
 This is the integer value representing number of days. More...


class boost::serialization::access

Detailed Description

Class implements a date object.

This class provides methods to inspect dates as well as methods and operators which implement a limited date algebra (moving by year, month, day, or moving to end of month or year).

Date object can represent only the dates between 1900JAN01 and 2200DEC31
algebraicBootstrapperExample.cpp, bootstrapperComparison.cpp, constrainedBootstrapperExample.cpp, DataFrameExample.cpp, DatesAndCalendarExample.cpp, DepositExample.cpp, InterestRateExample.cpp, optionPricingExample.cpp, rootFindingBootstrapperExample.cpp, and unconstrainedBootstrapperExample.cpp.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum julian::Date::Format

Date formats.


Format 2015-12-31


Format 15-12-31


Format 2015DEC31


Format 2015/12/31


Format 31/12/2015


Format 31DEC2015

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

julian::Date::Date ( )

Default constructor.

Constructor creating invalid date: year, month and day number are set to zero. This allows to check if date was initialized or not.

julian::Date::Date ( int  year,
int  month,
int  day 


Constructor creating date object on the basis of three integers representing year, month and day number.

julian::Date::Date ( std::string  date,
Date::Format  fmt 

Constructor - from string YYYY-MM-DD.

Constructor creating date object on the basis of string. (example date represent 31st of December, 2015):

  • 2015-12-31
  • 15-12-31
  • 2015DEC31
  • 2015/12/31
  • 31/12/2015
  • 31DEC2015

Member Function Documentation

int julian::Date::getN ( ) const

Calculate number of date.

Operator returns number of days between the date and 1900JAN01.

bool julian::Date::isEndOfMonth ( ) const

Checks if date is end of month.

Method returns true if date is a last day of its month and false otherwise.

bool julian::Date::isEndOfYear ( ) const

Checks if date is end of year.

Method returns true if date is a last day of its year and false otherwise.

bool julian::Date::isLeapYear ( ) const

Checks if date is in leap year.

Method returns true if date is in a leap year and false otherwise.

bool julian::Date::isValid ( ) const

Checks is date valid.

Method return true if the date is a valid date (month number between 1 and 12 and proper number of days) and false otherwise.

int julian::Date::monthOffset ( ) const

Auxiliary method.

Auxiliary method used by method dateNumber to calculated number of days .

void julian::Date::moveToEndOfMonth ( )

Moves to end of month.

Method moves date to the end of the month.

void julian::Date::moveToEndOfYear ( )

Moves to end of year.

Method moves date to the end of the year.

void julian::Date::operator++ ( )

Moves date to next date.

Method increments date by a one day.

void julian::Date::operator+= ( Tenor  t)

Adds tenor.

Operator moves date forward by a certain tenor. This operate will not do anything if OverNight, TommmorowNext, SpotDate, Today, SpotNext tenor given.

void julian::Date::operator-- ( )

Moves date back to last day.

Method decrements date by a one day.

void julian::Date::operator-= ( Tenor  t)

Subtracts tenor.

Operator moves date backward by a certain tenor. This operate will not do anything if OverNight TommmorowNext, SpotDate, Today tenor given.

template<class Archive >
void julian::Date::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
const unsigned  int 

interface used by Boost serialization library

int julian::Date::yearOffset ( ) const

Auxiliary method.

Auxiliary method used by method dateNumber to calculated number of days

Member Data Documentation

int julian::Date::day_

This is the integer value representing number of days.

int julian::Date::month_

This is the integer value representing number of months.

int julian::Date::year_

This is the integer value representing number of years.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • C:/Unix/home/OEM/jULIAN/src/dates/date.hpp
  • C:/Unix/home/OEM/jULIAN/src/dates/date.cpp