This example show how to build curve using root-finding bootstrapper. Programme uses data files stored as csv in ./data directory
Name: df_instruments Object: DataFrame Size: 9 col 25 rows -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type Rate FRAstart Tenor YF1 YF2 RateConvention FreqFix FreqFlo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deposit 0.0487 . ON ACT365 . simple . . Deposit 0.0487 . TN ACT365 . simple . . Deposit 0.0483 . 1W ACT365 . simple . . Deposit 0.0485 . 2W ACT365 . simple . . Deposit 0.0491 . 1M ACT365 . simple . . Deposit 0.0494 . 2M ACT365 . simple . . Deposit 0.0513 . 3M ACT365 . simple . . Deposit 0.0514 . 6M ACT365 . simple . . FRA 0.05115 1M 7M ACT365 . simple . . FRA 0.05105 2M 8M ACT365 . simple . . FRA 0.0508 3M 9M ACT365 . simple . . FRA 0.04865 6M 12M ACT365 . simple . . FRA 0.04415 12M 18M ACT365 . simple . . IRS 0.04734 . 2Y ActActISDA ACT365 simple annually semiannually IRS 0.04659 . 3Y ActActISDA ACT365 simple annually semiannually IRS 0.04662 . 4Y ActActISDA ACT365 simple annually semiannually IRS 0.04678 . 5Y ActActISDA ACT365 simple annually semiannually IRS 0.04699 . 6Y ActActISDA ACT365 simple annually semiannually IRS 0.04722 . 7Y ActActISDA ACT365 simple annually semiannually IRS 0.04744 . 8Y ActActISDA ACT365 simple annually semiannually IRS 0.04761 . 9Y ActActISDA ACT365 simple annually semiannually IRS 0.04765 . 10Y ActActISDA ACT365 simple annually semiannually IRS 0.04717 . 12Y ActActISDA ACT365 simple annually semiannually IRS 0.04550 . 15Y ActActISDA ACT365 simple annually semiannually IRS 0.04262 . 20Y ActActISDA ACT365 simple annually semiannually -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: df_settings Object: DataFrame Size: 11 col 7 rows -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Id Interpolation InterpolationInput Compounding YF Estimator SmoothingParam Iterations SmoothingInput FirstDerivative SecondDerivative -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set15 linear ZCR simple ACT365 root . . . . . Set16 cubic_spline ZCR simple ACT365 root . . . . . Set17 AKIMA ZCR simple ACT365 root . . . . . Set18 Steffen ZCR simple ACT365 root . . . . . Set19 linear DF simple ACT365 root . . . . . Set20 linear invDF simple ACT365 root . . . . . Set21 linear logDF simple ACT365 root . . . . . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************** ProgrammeRunTime:3s165ms **********************************
Plots below presents the interest rate curves build using different interpolation type

Plots below presents the interest rate curves build using different interpolation inputs

Here we present the calibration of the curve. We see perfect match between market quotings and curve implied par rates.

#include <juliant.hpp>
#include "factoryInit.hpp"
using namespace julian;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
RunTimeMeasurment timer;
// Setting the calendar and the today date
Date today(2018, JUN, 20);
PLNHoliday holiday;
// Reading the command line arguments; If not provided, program uses default names
auto data_file = args.first.empty() ? "../data/curve_data.csv" : args.first;
auto settings_file = args.second.empty() ? "../data/curve_settings.csv" : args.second;
// Creating benchmark instruments
std::vector<SmartPointer<ir::BuildingBlock> > benchmarks;
benchmarks.insert(benchmarks.end(), deposits.begin(), deposits.end());
benchmarks.insert(benchmarks.end(), fras.begin(), fras.end());
benchmarks.insert(benchmarks.end(), swaps.begin(), swaps.end());
// Reading curve settings
// Constructing the curve
DataFrame estimation_resuts;
DataFrame calibration_results;
auto set_name = df_settings("Id", r);
InterestRate rate(compounding, yf);
ir::CompoundedInterpolator interpolator(interpolation, inputs);
ir::RootFindingBootstrapper estimator;
// Saving results