
Example shows how to handle data using DataFrame. Below we can see the example's listing

Print data frame
    Age             City     Id      Name     Birthday
     50            Shire   id01     Frodo            .
     35            Shire   id02   Samwise   1968-09-22
     40           Gondor   id03   Boromir            .
   2931   Woodland Realm   id04   Legolas            .
    139   Blue Mountains   id05     Gimli            .

Print first three rows
    Age             City     Id      Name     Birthday
     50            Shire   id01     Frodo            .
     35            Shire   id02   Samwise   1968-09-22
     40           Gondor   id03   Boromir            .
   2931   Woodland Realm   id04   Legolas            .

Print data frame using << operator
Object: DataFrame
Size: 5 col 5 rows
    Age             City     Id      Name     Birthday
     50            Shire   id01     Frodo            .
     35            Shire   id02   Samwise   1968-09-22
     40           Gondor   id03   Boromir            .
   2931   Woodland Realm   id04   Legolas            .
    139   Blue Mountains   id05     Gimli            .

Filtered data (age < 50)
   Age     City     Id      Name     Birthday
    35    Shire   id02   Samwise   1968-09-22
    40   Gondor   id03   Boromir            .

Merged dataframes
    Age             City     Id       Name     Birthday   Weapon
     50            Shire   id01      Frodo            .        .
     35            Shire   id02    Samwise   1968-09-22        .
     40           Gondor   id03    Boromir            .        .
   2931   Woodland Realm   id04    Legolas            .        .
    139   Blue Mountains   id05      Gimli            .        .
     87           Gondor   id06    Aragorn            .    sword
     34            Shire   id07   Meriadoc            .    sling

Reading using number of row and number of col Frodo
Reading using number of row and name of col   Frodo
Reading using id of row and name of col       Frodo

Read date 1968-09-22
Read row as map

     Age 35
Birthday 1968-09-22
    City Shire
      Id id02
    Name Samwise
  Weapon .

Aragorn's weapon is
Meriadoc's weapon is
#include <juliant.hpp>
using namespace julian;
class wapon {
virtual void info() const = 0;
virtual wapon* clone() const = 0;
virtual ~wapon(){}
class Sword : public wapon {
void info() const override {
std::cout << "sword" << std::endl;
Sword* clone() const override {
return new Sword(*this);
class Sling : public wapon {
void info() const override {
std::cout << "Sling" << std::endl;
Sling* clone() const override {
return new Sling(*this);
namespace {
int main() {
// Creating an empty data frame
DataFrame df1;
// Adding few rows. To add a new row we use DataEntryClerk object.
// Add method is overloaded so it accepts different types of data
data1.add("Id", "id01");
data1.add("Name", "Frodo");
data1.add("Age", 50);
data1.add("City", "Shire");
data2.add("Id", "id02");
data2.add("Name", "Samwise");
data2.add("Age", 35);
data2.add("City", "Shire");
data2.add("Birthday", Date(1968, SEP, 22));
data3.add("Id", "id03");
data3.add("Name", "Boromir");
data3.add("Age", 40);
data3.add("City", "Gondor");
data4.add("Id", "id04");
data4.add("Name", "Legolas");
data4.add("Age", "2931");
data4.add("City", "Woodland Realm");
// DataEntryClerk can be also constructed using std::map
std::map<std::string, std::string> map;
map["Id"] = "id05";
map["Name"] = "Gimli";
map["Age"] = "139";
map["City"] = "Blue Mountains";
// We can print data frame using print method.
// Note that because only one entry data contained Birthday,
// all but one row have missing value in columnd Birthday
std::cout << "Print data frame";
std::cout << "\nPrint first three rows";
std::cout << "\nPrint data frame using << operator";
std::cout << df1;
// Let's filter data
std::cout << "\nFiltered data (age < 50)";
auto filtered_data = df1.filter("Age",[](std::string x)->bool{return std::stoi(x)<50;});
// Merging two data frames
data6.add("Id", "id06");
data6.add("Name", "Aragorn");
data6.add("Age", 87);
data6.add("City", "Gondor");
data6.add("Weapon", "sword");
data7.add("Id", "id07");
data7.add("Name", "Meriadoc");
data7.add("Age", 34);
data7.add("City", "Shire");
data7.add("Weapon", "sling");
DataFrame df2;
std::cout << "\nMerged dataframes";
// Saving to csv file
df1.printToCsv("df", ';');
// Reading from Csv
DataFrame df("df.csv", ';', true, 3);
// Accessing data stored in data frame
std::cout << "\nReading using number of row and number of col " << df(4, 1);
std::cout << "\nReading using number of row and name of col " << df("Name", 1);
std::cout << "\nReading using id of row and name of col " << df("Name", "id01");
Date date = df.getDate("Birthday", 2, Date::Format::date1);
std::cout << "\n\nRead date " << date;
// Reading row as std::map
std::cout << "\nRead row as map\n\n";
auto row = df.getRow(2);
for (auto d : row) {
std::cout << std::setw(8) << d.first << " " << d.second << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
// If factory is initialized we can directly construct object
// basing on data preserved in DataFrame
auto weapon_of_kate = df.getObject<wapon>("Weapon", "id06");
auto weapon_of_brain = df.getObject<wapon>("Weapon", "id07");
std::cout << "Aragorn's weapon is\n";
std::cout << "Meriadoc's weapon is\n";