Routines for finding minima of arbitrary one- or multi- dimensional functions. More...


class  julian::SimulatedAnnealing
 Class implements Simulated Annealing minimizer. More...


enum  julian::DerivativeMinimizer { julian::DerivativeMinimizer::FLETCHER_REEVES, julian::DerivativeMinimizer::POLAK_RIBIERE, julian::DerivativeMinimizer::BROYDEN_FLETCHER, julian::DerivativeMinimizer::STEEPEST_DESCENT }
 Types of multi-dimension minimizer that requires gradient of function. More...
enum  julian::Minimizer1d { julian::Minimizer1d::GOLDEN_SECTION_MINIMIZER, julian::Minimizer1d::BRENT_MINIMIZER, julian::Minimizer1d::QUAD_GOLDEN }
 Types of 1d minimizers algorithms. More...
enum  julian::NonDerivativeMinimizer { julian::NonDerivativeMinimizer::NELDER_MEAD_SIMPLEX, julian::NonDerivativeMinimizer::RANDOM_NELDER_MEAD_SIMPLEX }
 Types of multi-dimension minimizer that does not require derivative of function. More...


template<typename F , typename dF , typename FdF >
std::vector< double > julian::derivativeMinimizer (F f, dF df, FdF fdf, std::vector< double > x_init, DerivativeMinimizer type, double step_size=0.1, double tol=1e-4, double abs=1e-6, unsigned int max_iter=200)
 Multidimension minimizer that requires derivative of function. More...
template<typename F >
std::vector< double > julian::derivativeMinimizer (F f, std::vector< double > x_init, DerivativeMinimizer type, double step_size=0.1, double tol=1e-4, double increment=1e-5, double abs=1e-6, unsigned int max_iter=200)
 Multidimension minimizer that requires derivative of function. More...
template<typename F >
double julian::minimizer1d (F f, double x_lo, double x_hi, double guess, double precision, int number_of_iterations, Minimizer1d t)
 Function finds minimum of provided one-argument function. More...
template<typename F >
std::vector< double > julian::nonDerivativeMinimizer (F f, std::vector< double > x_init, NonDerivativeMinimizer t, double abs=1e-3, int number_of_iterations=100)
 Multi-dimension minimizer that does not require derivative of function. More...

Detailed Description

Routines for finding minima of arbitrary one- or multi- dimensional functions.

The minimum finding routines can be divided into two groups:

  • derivative-free optimization: Algorithms that that does not use derivative information in the classical sense to find optimal solutions (see julian::NonDerivativeMinimizer)
  • derivative-based optimization: Algorithms basing on the calculation of gradient of cost function (see DerivativeMinimizer)

    Good introduction to minimization techniques see Chapter 10 of [4] and Chapter 6 of [33].

Enumeration Type Documentation

Types of multi-dimension minimizer that requires gradient of function.

The function may use one of algorithms defined below:

  • Fletcher-Reeves conjugate gradient

    An initial search direction p is chosen using the gradient, and line minimization is carried out in that direction. The accuracy of the line minimization is specified by the parameter tol. The minimum along this line occurs when the function gradient g and the search direction p are orthogonal. The line minimization terminates when $p\cdot g < tol |p| |g|$. The search direction is updated using the Fletcher-Reeves formula $p' = g' - \beta $ g where $\beta=-|g'|^2/|g|^2$,

  • Polak Ribiere conjugate gradient

    Method similar ot Fletcher-Reeves, differing only in the choice of the coefficient $\beta$.

    \[\beta = \frac{g'(g-g')}{g^2} \]

  • Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno

    BFGS method belongs to quasi-Newton methods. In quasi-Newton methods, the Hessian matrix of second derivatives doesn't need to be evaluated directly. Instead, the Hessian matrix is approximated using updates specified by gradient evaluations (or approximate gradient evaluations).

    This version of this minimizer is the most efficient version available, and is a faithful implementation of the line minimization scheme described in Fletcher’s Practical Methods of Optimization ([34])

  • Steepest Descent

    Algorithm follows the downhill gradient of the function. After the step was made the algorithm calculates function value for new position. If new value of cost function is smaller step-size is doubled. If the downhill step leads to a higher function value then the algorithm backtracks and the step size is decreased using the parameter tol.

For more information see [34] , 10.6-10.7 chapter of [4] and GSL Docs ( link).


Fletcher-Reeves conjugate gradient.


Polak-Ribiere conjugate gradient.




Steepest Descent.

enum julian::Minimizer1d

Types of 1d minimizers algorithms.

The function may use one of three algorithms defined below:

  • Golden Section minimizer

    The golden section algorithm is the simplest method of bracketing the minimum of a function. It is the slowest algorithm provided by the library, with linear convergence.

    On each iteration, the algorithm first compares the subintervals from the endpoints to the current minimum. The larger subinterval is divided in a golden section (using the famous ratio $ (3-\sqrt 5)/2 \approx 0.3819660 $ and the value of the function at this new point is calculated. The new value is used with the constraint $f(a') > f(x') < f(b')$ to a select new interval containing the minimum, by discarding the least useful point. This procedure can be continued indefinitely until the interval is sufficiently small. Choosing the golden section as the bisection ratio can be shown to provide the fastest convergence for this type of algorithm.

  • Brent's minimizer

    The Brent minimization algorithm combines a parabolic interpolation with the golden section algorithm. This produces a fast algorithm which is still robust.

  • Brent-Gill-Murray algorithm

    This is a variant of Brent’s algorithm which uses the safeguarded step-length algorithm of Gill and Murray.

For more information see Chapter 10 of Numerical Recipes [4] and GSL Docs ( link).


Golden Section minimizer.


Brent's minimizer.


Brent-Gill-Murray algorithm.

Types of multi-dimension minimizer that does not require derivative of function.

The function may use one of two algorithm defined below:

  • Nelder-Mead Simplex

    The Nelder–Mead method or downhill simplex method or amoeba method is a commonly applied numerical method used to find the minimum or maximum of an objective function in a multidimensional space. It is applied to non-linear optimization problems for which derivatives may not be known.

  • Random Nelder-Mead Simplex

    This method is a variant of Nelder-Mead Simplex which initialises the simplex around the starting point x using a randomly-oriented set of basis vectors instead of the fixed coordinate axes

For more information see Chapter 10 of Numerical Recipes [4], original paper [19] and GSL Docs ( link).


Nelder-Mead Simplex.


Random Nelder-Mead Simplex.

Function Documentation

template<typename F , typename dF , typename FdF >
std::vector<double> julian::derivativeMinimizer ( f,
dF  df,
FdF  fdf,
std::vector< double >  x_init,
DerivativeMinimizer  type,
double  step_size = 0.1,
double  tol = 1e-4,
double  abs = 1e-6,
unsigned int  max_iter = 200 

Multidimension minimizer that requires derivative of function.

fFunctor with overloaded: double operator(vector<dobule>), that calculates the value of the optimized function.
dfFunctor with overloaded: vector<dobule> operator(vector<dobule>), that calculates the gradient of the optimized function.
fdfFunctor with overloaded: pair<double,vector> operator(vector<dobule>), that calculates the value and the gradient of the optimized function.
x_initinitial point
typeType of algorithm (see DerivativeMinimizer)
step_sizeThe size of the first trial step
tolline minimization parameter; interpretation of tol parameter depends on the algorithm used
absThe function tests the norm of the gradient against the absolute tolerance abs.
max_iterMaximal number of iterations
minimum of the function
Class uses algorithms implemented in GSL
template<typename F >
std::vector<double> julian::derivativeMinimizer ( f,
std::vector< double >  x_init,
DerivativeMinimizer  type,
double  step_size = 0.1,
double  tol = 1e-4,
double  increment = 1e-5,
double  abs = 1e-6,
unsigned int  max_iter = 200 

Multidimension minimizer that requires derivative of function.

Function calculates the gradient numerically using forward differentiation scheme with increment of argument provided.

fFunctor with overloaded: double operator(vector<dobule>), that calculates the value of the optimized function.
x_initinitial point
typeType of algorithm (see DerivativeMinimizer)
step_sizeThe size of the first trial step
tolline minimization parameter; interpretation of tol parameter depends on the algorithm used
incrementincrement of argument used in numerical differentiating
absThe function tests the norm of the gradient against the absolute tolerance abs.
max_iterMaximal number of iterations
minimum of the function
Class uses algorithms implemented in GSL
template<typename F >
double julian::minimizer1d ( f,
double  x_lo,
double  x_hi,
double  guess,
double  precision,
int  number_of_iterations,
Minimizer1d  t 

Function finds minimum of provided one-argument function.

Function finds minimum of provided one-argument function. The minimum is found in interval (x_lo, x_hi)

fFunctor for which root is searched.
x_loLower bound of interval
x_hiUpper bound of interval
guessinitial guess for the minimum.
precisionAlgorithm finds minimum satisfying condition $|x_m - x_m^*| < \hbox{\it precision\/}\, x_m^* $
number_of_iterationsA user-specified maximum number of iterations
ttype of minimizer see julian::Minimizer1d
Abscissa of minimum of function f.
Function uses algorithms implemented in GSL
template<typename F >
std::vector<double> julian::nonDerivativeMinimizer ( f,
std::vector< double >  x_init,
NonDerivativeMinimizer  t,
double  abs = 1e-3,
int  number_of_iterations = 100 

Multi-dimension minimizer that does not require derivative of function.

fFunctor being minimized taking std::vector<double> as argument
x_initinitial guess
tminimizer type, see julian::NonDerivativeMinimizer
absOptimizer test the value of the function against the absolute tolerance (abs) to determine if algorithm should stop
number_of_iterationsA user-specified maximum number of iterations
std::vector representing point where f has minimum value
Function uses algorithms implemented in GSL