Numerical Algorithms

Numerical algorithms: root-finders, minimizers, integral calculators etc. More...


 Optimization algorithms
 Routines for finding minima of arbitrary one- or multi- dimensional functions.
 Root-Finding algorithms
 Routines used to find the argument $x$ that $f(x) = 0$.
 GSL function adapters
 Wrappers for GSL functions.


class  julian::QuadraticProgrammingSolver
 Quadratic Programming Solver. More...


enum  julian::Integration {
 Types of integrating algorithms. More...


template<typename F >
double julian::integrate (F f, double x_lo, double x_hi, double precision_abs, double precision_rel, int n, Integration t)
 Function calculates integral. More...

Detailed Description

Numerical algorithms: root-finders, minimizers, integral calculators etc.

Most of numerical algorithms gathered in this module comes from GNU Scientific Library (GSL Manual).

The manual of GSL contains brief introduction description of each algorithm with a rich list of references and recommendations for further reading. Still Numerical Recipes([4]) should be considered as best introductory book about numerical analysis. The book covers wide range of topics from standard problems (interpolation, integration etc) to more advanced subjects. Virtually all methods discussed in the book are implemented with code printed in the book.

Another books covering subject of numerical techniques are: Computational Physics [33] and Introductory computational physics [1].

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum julian::Integration

Types of integrating algorithms.

The function uses Gauss-Kronrod algorithm in six variants:

  • non adaptive Gauss-Kronrod

The QNG algorithm is a non-adaptive procedure which uses fixed Gauss-Kronrod-Patterson abscissae to sample the integrand at a maximum of 87 points.

  • adaptive Gauss-Kronrod

The QAG algorithm is a simple adaptive integration procedure. The integration region is divided into subintervals, and on each iteration the subinterval with the largest estimated error is bisected. This reduces the overall error rapidly, as the subintervals become concentrated around local difficulties in the integrand.

  • adaptive Gauss-Kronrod with Singularities

The QAGS algorithm combines adaptive bisection with the Wynn epsilon-algorithm to speed up the integration of many types of integrable singularities.

  • adaptive Gauss-Kronrod on infinite range

Algorithm computes the integral of the function f over the infinite interval $(-\infty,+\infty)$. The integral is mapped onto the semi-open interval (0,1] using the transformation x = (1-t)/t. It is then integrated using the QAGS algorithm.

  • adaptive Gauss-Kronrod solving improper integral with infinity as a upper limit of integration

Algorithm computes the integral of the function f over the semi-infinite interval $(a,+\infty)$. The integral is mapped onto the semi-open interval (0,1] using the transformation x = a + (1-t)/t,

  • adaptive Gauss-Kronrod solving improper integral with infinity as a lower limit of integration

Algorithm computes the integral of the function f over the semi-infinite interval $(a,+\infty)$. The integral is mapped onto the semi-open interval (0,1] using the transformation x = b - (1-t)/t.

For more information see Chapter 4 of Numerical Recipes [4] and manual of GNU Scientific Library (link).


non adaptive Gauss-Kronrod


adaptive Gauss-Kronrod


adaptive Gauss-Kronrod with Singularities


adaptive Gauss-Kronrod on infinite range


adaptive Gauss-Kronrod solving improper integral with infinity as a upper limit of integration


adaptive Gauss-Kronrod solving improper integral with infinity as a lower limit of integration

Function Documentation

template<typename F >
double julian::integrate ( f,
double  x_lo,
double  x_hi,
double  precision_abs,
double  precision_rel,
int  n,
Integration  t 

Function calculates integral.

Function calculates the integral of provided function for a given interval.

fFunctor representing integrated function.
x_loLower bound of interval. Not needed for Integration::ADAPTIVE_GAUSS_KRONROD_INFINITE_RANGE and Integration::ADAPTIVE_GAUSS_KRONROD_LOWER_INFINITE
x_hiUpper bound of interval. Not needed for Integration::ADAPTIVE_GAUSS_KRONROD_INFINITE_RANGE and Integration::ADAPTIVE_GAUSS_KRONROD_UPPER_INFINITE
precision_absabsolute error limits
precision_relrelative error limits.
norder of Gaussian Quadrature
tType of algorithm. See julian::Integration
Integrates f function on given interval $(x_{lo},x_{hi} )$
Class uses algorithms implemented in GSL