Calendars and holidays for a given currency, stock exchange, etc. More...


class  julian::CADHoliday
 Holidays set for CAD currency. More...
class  julian::Calendar
 Class implements calendar object. More...
class  julian::BuildCalendar
 Class implements builder design pattern supporting construction of calendars. More...
class  julian::CHFHoliday
 Holidays set for CHF currency. More...
class  julian::CorpusChristi
 Corpus Christi. More...
class  julian::CZKHoliday
 Holidays set for CZK currency. More...
class  julian::EasterMonday
 Easter Monday. More...
class  julian::EURHoliday
 TARGET2 holiday set. More...
class  julian::FixedHoliday
 Fixed date holiday. More...
class  julian::GoodFriday
 Good Friday. More...
class  julian::Holiday
 Class is an abstract class expressing the concept of holiday calendar for different currencies and stock exchange. More...
class  julian::HUFHoliday
 Holidays set for HUF currency. More...
class  julian::PLNHoliday
 Holidays set for PLN currency. More...
class  julian::SettlementDateConvention
 Interface for classes implementing settlement date conventions. More...
class  julian::SettlementFromExpiry
 Class calculating settlement date from expiry date. More...
class  julian::SettlementFromSpot
 Class calculating settlement date from expiry date. More...
class  julian::USDHoliday
 Holidays set for USD currency. More...
class  julian::WhitMonday
 Whit Monday. More...


enum  julian::DayRollingConvention {
  julian::UNADJUSTED, julian::NEAREST


template<class Archive >
void julian::serialize (Archive &ar, DayRollingConvention &g, const unsigned int version)
 interface used by Boost serialization library More...
Date julian::EasterForAGivenYear (int year)
 Function calculating Easter date for a given year. More...

Detailed Description

Calendars and holidays for a given currency, stock exchange, etc.

The financial contracts have to start and be settled on business day. Apart from Saturdays and Sundays, every currency/stock exchange/market has additional non-working days- usually religious or public holidays. Module contains definition of holidays and set of holidays that allow to correctly established the commence and maturity of a contract.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Enumeration contains names of day rolling convention that are used to adjust the payment date if payment is occurring at non-business day.


Move to the next working day


Move to the previous working day


Move to the next working day, unless this day extends to a next month, in that case the previous working day is used.


Move to the previous working day, unless this day extends to a previous month, in that case the next working day is used.


Leave date unchanged


Move to the nearest working day (prefer the next working day).

Function Documentation

Date julian::EasterForAGivenYear ( int  year)

Function calculating Easter date for a given year.

Easter date is calculated according to algorithm presented by C.F. Gauss.

a = year mod 19

b = year mod 4

c = year mod 7

d = 19a + 24

e = 2b + 4c + 6d + X mod 7

n = e + d

Then Easter is n days from 22MAR. For years 1900 - 2099 X = 5. For years 2100-2199 X = 6 There are few exceptions from this algorithm (1954, 1981, 2049, 2076, 2106, 2133)

yearAn integer describing the year.
A date of Easter for a given year.
template<class Archive >
void julian::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
DayRollingConvention g,
const unsigned int  version 

interface used by Boost serialization library