Go to the documentation of this file.
6 #include <armadillo>
8 namespace julian {
9 namespace ir {
26  public:
31  virtual arma::mat giveQmatrix(const InterpolatedCurve&) const;
32  virtual arma::mat giveCvector(const InterpolatedCurve&) const;
33  virtual double calculateCost(const InterpolatedCurve&) const;
34  virtual SecondDerivativeCostFunction* clone() const;
36  private:
37  double weight_;
38  };
39 } // namespace ir
40 } // namespace julian
41 #endif
double weight_
Weight assigned to second order term (see parameter b in equation above)
Definition: SecondDerivativeCostFunction.hpp:35
Definition: cadHoliday.cpp:3
virtual arma::mat giveCvector(const InterpolatedCurve &) const
returns C vector
Definition: SecondDerivativeCostFunction.cpp:53
virtual double calculateCost(const InterpolatedCurve &) const
returns curve as vector of doubles
Definition: SecondDerivativeCostFunction.cpp:63
Template of deep-coping smart pointer.
Definition: smartPointer.hpp:14
virtual arma::mat giveQmatrix(const InterpolatedCurve &) const
returns Q matrix, the quadratic term of optimization cost function
Definition: SecondDerivativeCostFunction.cpp:40
Implements the second order derivative term of cost function.
Definition: SecondDerivativeCostFunction.hpp:25
File contains definition of swap interpolated curve class.
SecondDerivativeCostFunction(SmartPointer< SmootherCostFunction > c, double weight=1.0)
Definition: SecondDerivativeCostFunction.hpp:29
The object models the interest rate curve.
Definition: interpolatedCurve.hpp:42
Interface for classes decorating SmootherCostFunction.
Definition: CostFunctionDecorator.hpp:24
File contains implementation of abstract component of SmootherCostFunction decorator.
virtual SecondDerivativeCostFunction * clone() const
virtual copy constructor
Definition: SecondDerivativeCostFunction.cpp:79