Market Data


 Interest Rate Curve
 Interest rate curve and all supporting classes (interpolators, estimators, modifiers).
 Implied volatility surface and all supporting classes.


class  julian::ForwardCurve
 The class implements the forward curve. More...


ir::InterpolatedCurve julian::calculateYieldCurve (ir::InterpolatedCurve discounting_curve, ForwardCurve forward_curve, double asset_price)
 Function implies interest rate curve basing on discounting curve, forward curve and current asset price. More...

Detailed Description

This group contains classes helping to handle (load, transform, interpolate) market data. Particularly in this group we have:

  • interest rate curve,
  • volatility surfaces,
  • forward curve.

Function Documentation

ir::InterpolatedCurve julian::calculateYieldCurve ( ir::InterpolatedCurve  discounting_curve,
ForwardCurve  forward_curve,
double  asset_price 

Function implies interest rate curve basing on discounting curve, forward curve and current asset price.

For each grid date of discounting_curve discount factor is calculated using to formula:

\[DF(date) = \frac{DF_{disc}(date) * Fwd(date)}{S}\]

Function can be useful to calculate dividend curve basing on discount curve and forward prices of asset.

discounting_curvediscounting curve used to calculate DF
forward_curveforward curve used to calculate Fwd
asset_priceactual asset price
interest rate curves with settings copied from discounting_curve