Investopedia - Educating the world about finance
The Treasurer's wiki - leading treasury professionals
Wilmott - serving the quantitative finance community (forums page)
QuantLib - A free/open-source library for quantitative finance
QUARC - Quantitative Research Centre
OpenGamma's Quantitative Research
Default Risk - the web's biggest credit risk modelling resource
Elite Trader - group of financial traders that help each other work
Market Data
FED Reaserch Economic Data - IRs
FED Reaserch Economic Data - FX
FED Reaserch Economic Data - Stocks and Bonds
FED Reaserch Economic Data - Commodities
Sentry Derivatives - Fx Options Live
C++, programming and more
OOQP - Object-Oriented software for Quadratic Programming
GNU Scientific Library - a collection of numerical routines for scientific computing
Boost - free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
Doxygen - Generate documentation from source code
Kompilacja w GCC krok po kroku
GCC and Make Compiling, Linking and Building C/C++ Applications
Wolfram MathWorld - the web's most extensive mathematics resource
Cross Validation - Q&A site: statistics, machine learning, data analysis
Mark Joshi's homepage (RIP [*])
Bjarne Stroustrup - The Essence of C++
Scott Meyers - Why C++ Sails When the Vasa Sank
Scott Meyers - An Effective C++11/14 Sampler
Emacs as a C/C++ Editor/IDE (Part I)
Emacs as a C/C++ Editor/IDE (Part II)